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WinIPDO v2.1
Jason Hughes
Flare Development Group
Copyright 1999
1. Description
2. Usage
3. What is it good for?
4. Terms of Usage
5. Release History
WinIPDO is a radical departure from most automation tools.
WinIPDO monitors all the network IP addresses in a machine for changes
on 10 second intervals. If any changes occur, WinIPDO automatically
writes the new IP address to a text file, then executes a command
you specified for that particular event.
There are four events:
Any IP goes online.
Any IP goes offline.
All IP numbers are written as dotted-four notation in the "ip.txt" file.
Events can be active or inactive. Events may have indpendent commands.
Your settings are stored in the registry so you don't have to type them
in again. However, you can change them very easily by selecting
"Settings..." on the popup menu. Also, users with multiple IPs can set
WinIPDO to ignore one hierarchy (192 means ignore all 192.xxx.xxx.xxx),
so the commands will not launch when an IP in that range changes.
After starting up, a little blue "IP" icon should show up on your
system tray. Click there to show WinIPDO's menu.
Just before launching the specified command, WinIPDO writes out the
ip address to a text file into the current directory, called "ip.txt".
On the context popup menu there are several options:
About...................Shows my email, URL, and other misc info.
Settings................Edit and de/activate commands.
Show Console............Pops up a dos console output logging window
which contains historical information since being run.
Hide Console............Removes the logging window.
Test Connection.........Manually launch the connection command.
Test Disconnection......Manually launch the disconnection command.
Exit....................Asks for verification, then closes out WinIPDO.
+ Among other things, WinIPDO makes it easy to cause a dynamic IP
address-bound machine to appear to have a static IP if you run
a remote web site by automating an FTP script to upload a new
IP address in a file.
+ If nothing else, it's useful for people who would like to launch
a series of utilities or applications in a batch file locally
when going on or off line, like a web browser or mail program.
Anything you can think of, relating to getting online or offline, can
be automated using WinIPDO.
+ WinIPDO considers starting the program the same as making an initial
connection to external IP addresses. This helps facilitate hands-off
automation straight from booting up.
+ Be aware that the directory from which WinIPDO is started is the
directory used as the root for relative paths. In my shortcuts, I
always give it an initial location.
+ New in v2.0 is required Winsock 2.0 TCP/IP stack. The best way to
get everything you need is to grab these files from Microsoft
directly, and apply them in this order (Win9x):
+ As a side effect of keeping open the Logging window, any output
your command causes will go to that window. If at any time the logging
window is closed, that output is cleared even though the historical
data is preserved. This is either a bug or a feature, depending on
your perspective. Leave the console open for maximum information, closed
for minimum interference with your tasks.
This is PostcardWare. This software is NOT free. If you use WinIPDO,
or even if you don't use it but keep it on your machine more than 30
days, or even hate it enough to want to let me know, send FlareDev a
postcard from wherever you are to:
4106 Adelphi Lane
Austin, TX 78727
Non-commercial users, besides the above meager tithe, are welcome
to use WinIPDO in any way they see fit. I guarantee nothing, except
that I will not support it or be liable for any damages caused by
any action or inaction of this product. If it is causing problems
for you, don't use it. All postcards and anything else mailed to
FlareDev becomes the sole property of FlareDev upon receipt, and
cannot be returned.
Commercial users should contact Flare Development Group directly
via email for licensing conditions.
PS-Donations accepted (I collect foreign currency), but be sure
to put them in an envelope.
Nov-25-1999 v2.1
Upon testing and further reading, it becomes obvious that there is
no way to uniquely identify each network adapter in the machine.
As I attempted the interface before, each network address had its
own start/stop commands. The worst case was starting the app without
any network connections, then the first connection occurs.
Unfortunately, that single IP address could belong to any adapter
and there's no right way to associate them. A good guess might've
been literally checking the distance formulate of the dotted-quad
from the last known address. But rather than hack up a good app,
I made it work the way I thought would work best. Anytime any
address goes online, the connection command triggers. Most people
have at most 2 or 3 connections and want (or can tolerate) the
same happening for each connection. I also added an ignore hierarchy
mask to help filter out the LAN addresses that are static, so startup
(and occasionally DHCP renegotiation) inside a network is invisible.
Nov-24-1999 v2.0
After all night banging through library code, I realized Winsock
stinks. WinIPDO v1.0 had the fatal flaw of munching through memory
at a steady rate due to a memory leak in gethostbyname(). It was
only noticeable on a server with 32 megs of ram and very limited
drive space for swapping, and since WinIPDO pings every 10 seconds,
Win9x can't task switch anything out of ram to disk after a certain
point. Even on that small machine, it took over 10 days to get to
20mb of ram usage. The crux is, if you're running older Winsock
versions on your machine (some programs do require it), that's not so
good. Get the update to run WinIPDO. If you can't upgrade, I'm
sorry, but I refuse to compromise a machine's stability with our
software intentionally.
Sep-14-1999 v1.0
First revision is complete. It wasn't much effort to get something
working, but there's lots of features lacking. Plenty of user
requests for them too.
Jason Hughes
Flare Development Group